The Pleasant Farm

Life & Family

Dear (8-Year-Old) Trent September 9, 2019

Filed under: My kid's growing up! — Jess Z. @ 8:40 pm

Dear (8-Year-Old) Trent,

Encouraging. Sweet. Funny. Respectful. Helpful. Kind. The best hugger.

Those are just a few of the amazing words that people use to describe you. People that aren’t even your mom, who might think all those things of you no matter what! Do you know how good it makes me & Daddy feel to hear others describe you so wonderfully?

But wonderful is truly what you are– another adjective to add to that list! You are just an amazing kid, something your dad and I can’t even take credit for because your kindness to others genuinely comes from your heart.

It’s been a fun year because you’re at an age where all your classmates are still your friends, the bully on the bus barely rifles you (thank goodness because I’m about ONE phone call away), your brother is your favorite person, you love to cuddle with Mom and Dad, and you’re not hesitant to give one of your famous hugs.

It’s also the best age because homework isn’t stressful, you’re finally to a point in life where you (sometimes) eat like a growing child, you don’t require a nap to stay cheerful through the day, and we are quite confident in your independent butt-wiping abilities. We love 8!

You love playing Minecraft on the Playstation4, chicken nuggets and tenders, swimming, Legos, and everything about trains. You are great at reading (at a 4th grade level!) and so far math is no problem for you either (fingers are still crossed you get your dad’s math skills– and eyeballs). You had a great season of baseball and now enjoy soccer, and even made a goal at one of your recent games. You’ve finally lost your first tooth and have grown multiple inches since your last birthday. You wake up in the morning ready for the day, a trait that doesn’t necessarily match anyone else in our house.

So happy birthday to a special boy with the gift of making others feel special. We hope you have another amazing year of friends, laughter, and learning. My prayer is that your brother stays your favorite person, bullies never find their way into your head, and you never get stingy with those hugs. Thank you for making the whole wide world a kinder, happier place. We love you Trent!