The Pleasant Farm

Life & Family

Our Mom Is The Best: Part 2 October 18, 2011

Filed under: Family — Jess Z. @ 9:34 am

When my sisters and I were working on nominating our mom for the Monsanto America’s Farmers Mom of the Year, which I first mentioned in YESTERDAY’S POST, my sister Jackie also wrote an essay which is the one we actually submitted.  So here’s a second essay on why our mom is the bestest (used without permission, no copyright infringement intended).

“If you can’t ride two horses at once, you shouldn’t be in the circus” –American Proverb

And if you can’t round those two horses up and get them back in the pen before the neighbors notice they’re out, you shouldn’t be a Farm Mom.

After dropping out of college to get married and follow our Dad back to his family farm, many people probably imagined our Mom lost all potential job prospects.  But instead of seeking a corporate lifestyle, she accepted the career of Farm Mom.  She has always done whatever work is required.  She has milked cows, fed calves, rounded up runaway heifers, cut hay, and still managed to raise four daughters and have dinner on the table every evening.  She runs meals to the field on a moment’s notice, and finishes chores so Dad can make it to fire calls.  In addition to the tasks around home, she found the time to be a 4-H leader for our local club and volunteers as a Superintendent at our local county fair.  On top of that, she started her own screen printing and sign painting business out of her basement, and often lends her graphic talents to local organizations.  She teaches Sunday school and plays the church organ, and is active on the Fire Ladies Auxiliary.  Most importantly, our Mom has taught us to be grateful and hardworking and proud of where we came from. 

The family farm often times looks like a circus, and it’s a good thing we have our Farm Mom as ringmaster.  Don’t worry she’s got time; the neighbors haven’t seen the horses yet.


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